all life matters

Sep 28, 2022 - – only accounts for about 4 percent of all the stuff in the universe. The other 96 percent is made up of dark matter and dark energy, which does not interact with light and can only be detected from its effects. Details about the properties of dark matter and dark energy remain some of the biggest mysteries of modern astronomy. Hunting for dark matter

Apr 18, 2024 - and smiling. A shot of the Northern Lights dancing in the sky is shown. Anne: I always make sure, if somebody I know has to go south for medical treatment, to try and make sure they get on Rhose’s list, because she’s the very best in terms of keeping you connected with home. She just keeps us all alive and moving. Rhose waits by the car while her son gets out

May 7, 2024 - is led by Natural Resources Canada, and we depend on the collaboration of a broad partnership of subject-matter experts and assessment users from all orders of government, Indigenous organizations, universities, professional and non-governmental groups, and the private sector. The public is also involved through meetings, conferences and online engagement

Date modified: 2024-01-11